About Us
Tech-Lab Scientific Sdn. Bhd. was established in April 1989. Our major activities was importation and distribution of laboratory equipment in Malaysia back in 80s. In Feb 1999, our manufacturing arm, Tech-Lab Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd. was established. In line with the market needs and demands, we manufacture a wide range of laboratory and medical equipment. Our products carry the brand namesfor general laboratory equipment,
for medical refrigeration equipment,
for safety cabinets,
for medical warming and drying cabinets, and
for stainless steel metal fabrications.
As one of the pioneer Malaysian owned laboratory and medical equipment manufacturers, we are proud to be certified to comply with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 13485:2016 Quality Management Systems by SGS United Kingdom Ltd under the accreditation of UKAS.
All our Malaysian made laboratory equipment (single phase) are type-tested to and passed the MS IEC 61010-1:2006 Standard Electrical Safety Test . All equipment (single phase) for operation under medical environment are type-tested to and passed the MS IEC 60601-1:2006 Standard Electrical Safety Test.
Our Vision
Quality control for a better world.
Our Mission
Create value through innovation.
Business Focus
Manufacturing and distribution of laboratory equipment, medical refrigeration equipment, medical warmers & dryers and safety cabinets.
To develop and nurture long term professional relationship and partnership with our customers by continuously improving their trust and confidence through provision of quality products and services.
We are committed to provide value for money quality laboratory equipment to help our customers to achieve their goals. We strive to provide top class services to all our customers.